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An Education Resource Company Saone Group

English Language Lessons | Japan School

Since 2003, Apia English School has served the community's language needs and demands for communicative English.  Whether you require English for college, university or business, we design courses around your specifications so they are a perfect fit. Apia uses strategic grammar exercises and authentic real-life experiences to connect your ideas and goals together.

We also take a unique approach to language education as all of our lessons are either group, private, or business lessons at your home or office. These in-home or in-office arrangements allow you to focus more on your studies in a familiar environment. You can arrange lessons from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. anytime Monday to Saturday and choose from one hour to two hours per session. Flexible lessons over Skype.

Education Services

Editing and Proofing

First, we should define the difference between editing and proofing. An editor has the freedom to rewrite, change or correct your document so that it conforms to academic standards. Whereas a proofreader will only look for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors and not make changes to your document.

As a student or business professional, you would like your ideas to be expressed concisely and clearly. Our role is to edit or proofread your papers to a code of etiquette to maintain our community standing, we do not write papers we only correct them. In the midst of school terms or business meetings, planning for assignments, papers, and presentations can be a daunting task. That is why we are here to help you offload some of the pressure, so you can submit or present your work on time. All papers are handled confidentially.

IELTS Study Lessons and Books | Amazon

We developed our IELTS materials over an eight-year period to provide opportunities for advancement and higher scores. The test procedure might appear overwhelming, but with guided strategies and tips the process is less stressful and easier to manage. We like to think of these strategies and tips as your toolbox to help you steer through the maze on the ILETS exam. Understanding these tools can improve your success and result in a higher band score.

Students attend these lessons for academic, employment, and immigration tests. Our priority is to enhance your level of comprehension and communicative skills so you can succeed in reaching your desired target. We help you write a solid plan for learning and memorising. Lessons are 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in class, or Skype.


Saone understands that a good education paves the way for economic growth on a national scale and contributes to a healthier society with well-balanced individuals. The challenges of the 21st century in providing a high standard of education extend across our lifelong pursuit for knowledge. We aim to facilitate better synaptic connections that help improve efficiency for both institutions and educators.

Whether you are an educational facility or a business, our consultancy can help you realign your institution's goals and establish new policies or systems. We achieve this by analysing the current structure of your organisation and implement a strategic plan for change. Building a dynamic professional relationship during this process helps facilitate attainable solutions and strengthen leadership in your organisation.

       Tel: +995 599 003 539

       Email: info@saonegroup.com


       Saone Group LLC

       Vake district, Nutsubidze slope,
         IV m / d, building 21, Apt. 103
         Tbilisi 0162

Learn over Skype